The Mauri Model: An indigenous perspective on the research and knowledge of the land of New Zealand

The model measures mauri in four dimensions – environmental wellbeing (taiao mauri), cultural wellbeing (hapu mauri), social wellbeing (community mauri) and economic wellbeing (whanau mauri). Indicators are then chosen that represent the impacts upon mauri for each dimension. " The Mauri Model | Mahi Maioro Professionals

This is the Abstract from the above research paper, if you are interested, please click the above link to read more. 


Acknowledgement that Indigenous Knowledge cannot be assimilated and readily generalised within reductionist scientific paradigms is emerging. The reluctance of Indigenous Peoples to adopt reductionist science-based interpretations is justified. Science that stops at the point where reality is universal excludes consideration of how outcomes are understood and experienced by more holistic epistemologies including those of Indigenous Peoples. Culturally derived ways of knowing are beyond the realm of reductionist science and require approaches to decision-making frameworks that are capable of including culturally specific knowledge. Cultural indicators are a geographically specific means of enabling measurement of a particular culture’s attributes; however, to be appropriately recognised, the method of inclusion is at least as important. Therefore, cultural indicators, their definition and their measurement are the sole prerogative of Indigenous Peoples, and how Indigenous epistemologies are effectively empowered in frameworks is critical, as decisions are no longer being made in purely Indigenous contexts.


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