About Us

Kia ora, our names are Anita, Dhamminda, Katherine, Faamalu, Nyk, and Tina. We are Master’s students at AUT. This research will go towards our Master of Human Rights. 

This research aims to find out what you think about managing disasters in the face of the climate crisis, particularly flooding. The project's findings will be presented in an artefact, which may take the form of a video, website, or advocacy campaign. 

This site will be a platform where we can share information that hopefully will assist people facing the effects of weather events, like flooding. We aim to provide information on where to get help and support especially with emotional needs. 

Our perspective is human rights-focused, so we are exploring issues around direct needs, such as housing, emotional support, government emergency response programs, and possible future solutions that will assist reducing the damage caused by these weather events. 

How are we researching? We have conducted two community focus groups, one in Westport, in the South Island, the other in Mangere, in the North Island. We also have chosen some experts to interview. All of this data will be analysed and become a part of our advocacy plan, which we will put forward on this site and our social media pages. 


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